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- [May 14 , 2012] - is going to the 2012 Bay Area Maker Faire.
- [Jan. 1 , 2012] - New thermite pictures and videos added (17 grams of MoO3 thermite video.
- [Jan. 1 , 2012] - New Thermite added (MoO3 Thermite).
- [Jan. 2 , 2011] - New video added (Candle Burning in Chlorine Gas Atmosphere) to Chlroine Gas Production.
- [May 26 , 2010] - New thermite pictures and videos added (6000 grams of Fe3O4 thermite video from the Maker Faire Demonstration).
- [April 5 , 2010] - New thermite pictures and videos added (200 grams of Fe2O3 thermite made with fine-grain Aluminum powder video).
- [April 5 , 2010] - How To article updated (How to make Chlorine Gas) - new diagram added.
- [March 29 , 2010] - How To article added (Liquid Chlorine) - Liquefying Chlorine Gas.
- [July 6 , 2009] - Background Knowledge article added (Stoichiometry & Balancing Chemical Reactions).
- [June 30 , 2009] - Calculate the amount of water absorbed by walking versus running in the rain (Rain Absorbance Calculator and Analysis).
- [June 30 , 2009] - Simulate the motion of a basketball released underwater (Underwater Basketball Release).
- [June 23 , 2009] - New thermite pictures and videos added (4000 grams of Fe3O4 thermite melts through computer hard drive pictures).
- [Oct. 27 , 2008] - New 'Background Knowledge' article added (EDAX).
- [Oct. 14 , 2008] - EDAX element analysis added for Silver and Titanium thermite metal.
- [Sep. 28 , 2008] - New Miscellaneous Content added (Quantum Dots).
- [Sep. 10 , 2008] - New thermite pictures and videos added (Ag2O thermite).